Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Pump Background
Jon Cattivera | August 27, 2014

Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Pump

Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Pump

Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Price for Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump http://provac.com/products.php?pid=30&keywords=Leybold/Oerlikon

Oil Sealed Two-Stage Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Leybold D25B

Nominal pumping speed 50 Hz. 17.4 CFM 60 Hz. 20.9 CFM

Pumping Speed 50 Hz. 15.1 CFM 18.2 CFM

Ultimate Partial Pressure 0.75 x 10-4 Torr

Ultimate total pressure without gas ballast 1.5x10-3 torr

Ultimate total pressure with gas ballast 3.8x10-3 torr

Water vapor tolerance 18.8 Torr

Water vapor capacity 476 gram/hour

Oil filing minimum 0.6 quart, maximum 1.5 quart


Leybold D-25BCS Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump Price http://www.provac.com/products.php?pid=30&keywords=Leybold/Oerlikon

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