MD-Kinney Liquid Ring Pumps: How do they work? Background
Katy Manning | January 18, 2019

MD-Kinney Liquid Ring Pumps: How do they work?

MD-Kinney Liquid Ring Pumps: How do they work?

How do Kinney KLRC Liquid Ring pumps work?


Kinney KLRC two-stage liquid ring pumps create vacuum by two rotating impeller blades which rotate in and through a ring of liquid. Sealant can be water, glycol, or other process fluids such as juice. The continuous flow of sealant liquid is entering the pump and forms a seal between the impeller and casing. Gas is trapped between the impeller and casing causing a vacuum. Liquid sealant and gas are discharged out of the exhaust; discharge liquid can be recovered and recovered with a gas/liquid separator. Full and partial sealant recovery systems are available.

The specific type and operating parameters of the sealing liquid can change pumping capabilities greatly with a liquid ring pump. When considering sealant type, you must evaluate viscosity, vapor pressure, specific gravity, and specific heat of the fluid. In order to operate correctly, KLRC liquid ring pumps must maintain a specific flow rate and temperature. With lack of sealant, or running with sealant at temperatures above recommended run temperature, the liquid ring pump can have a catastrophic failure causing the impeller to seize.

Provac Sales, Inc. offers sales of new liquid ring pumps and systems as well as repair service for your Kinney A or KLRC series liquid ring pumps. Contact us to today for a quotation.

View our collection of Kinney Single Stage A Series Liquid Ring Pumps here:

View our collection of Kinney Two Stage KLRC Series Liquid Ring Pumps here:

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